Welcome Letter from Principal Jack Purkeypile

Jack Purkeypile

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Project Lead the Way Engineering page for Monterey High School. We are so proud to have PLTW, the nation’s leading STEM program, available for our students at MHS. We are also pleased to announce that we have been designated by the state of Texas as an official T-STEM ACADEMY beginning in the fall of 2017.

At Monterey we offer three distinct PLTW pathways. Students are encouraged to explore Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, or Computer programming. Students are encouraged to complete a four year program focused on at least one of the PLTW pathways; at the conclusion of which they may receive special graduation recognition as well as the potential for articulated college credit.

Please feel free to come by and see our student engineers in action as they tackle real world issues in an active, project based learning laboratory, where collaboration is part of the daily learning experience.

Jack Purkeypile

Principal, Monterey High School