NBCT Cohort 1 Recognition

National Board Certified Teachers (NBCT)

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Lubbock ISD will sponsor a cohort of up to 15 teachers to participate as candidates in the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification process. Successful applications will receive recognition as a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) and receive designation as a Recognized teacher under the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA). Prospective candidates must complete the application below and submit it through the application portal. Submitting an application does not guarantee selection as a candidate. All written applications will be scored anonymously according to the attached rubrics by trained, calibrated scorers. Written applications will be followed by an oral interview with the Lubbock ISD NBCT application committee, wherein applicants will be asked to clarify/expand their written responses and answer additional questions about their teaching and experiences with Lubbock ISD. Final selections for Cohort 5 will be made by the end of the Spring 2025 semester.

Candidates wishing to pursue National Board certification must also make the following commitments:

  • Two-year candidacy, including the summer interim.

  • Payment of $150 admission fee, payable to NBPTS - $75 each year of candidacy

  • Completion of all 4 components as required by the NBPTS certification process.

  • Monthly cohort meeting to support the successful completion of component materials.

  • Other meetings as needed with your Cohort Facilitators and/or Cohort Mentors.

Cohort 5 Timeline (2025-2027)

February 25. 4:45-5:30 pm - NBCT Information Meeting @CO Jay Gordon Room

Information Session Slides - Please reach out to Lauren Smith (lauren.smith@lubbockisd.org) for questions about the NBCT program

March 1-26 - Application Window Open

March 26, 5:00 pm - All Applications Due

April 28-30 - Oral Interviews

May 7 - Notification of Selection

NBCT Conversations

Check out the NBCT Podcast

Episode 44 is a special live podcast from the TXNBCT Conference in San Antonio featuring our very own Lauren Smith!
