Meet the Director

Mr. Worsham
Phone: (806) 219-3212
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Music Education - Arkansas State University
Master of Music-Instrumental Conducting, Arkansas State University
Tyler Worsham was born and raised in Northeast Arkansas in the small, rural community of Keiser, Arkansas. Early in his life, starting at the age of six, he began his musical instruction, studying piano. These studies led him to join the middle school and high school band at Rivercrest School District in Wilson, Arkansas, as a percussionist. Following his high school experiences, Tyler accepted a band scholarship and several academic scholarships to Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, Arkansas. At Arkansas State, Tyler became involved with numerous music ensembles, including the Sound of the Natural State Marching Band, where he was a section leader and drumline captain with the drumline. He was also a principal musician with the A-State Wind Ensemble, and a musician with other ensembles, such as the Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Lab Band, Orchestra, Percussion Ensemble, and the Trombone Choir. In May of 2016, Tyler graduated with a Bachelor of Music Education degree with certifications in Instrumental Music and Choral Music.
Following his undergraduate experiences, Tyler was the Junior High Band Director and Assistant Band Director for the Forrest City School District in Forrest City, Arkansas. From 2016-2020, he was a co-director for the Sixth Grade Academy Band, 7th Grade Band, 8th Grade Band, FCHS Jazz Band, FCHS Mustang Marching Band, and directed the FCHS Concert Band in the spring semesters. Additionally, he served as a vocal coach and piano accompanist for the FCHS Choral program and a coordinator of the general music curriculum at Forrest City Junior High. During his tenure at Forrest City, he had students involved with honor ensembles, All-Region honor bands, and several students who would accept collegiate band scholarships to numerous academic institutions.
During the Spring of 2020, Tyler accepted a graduate assistantship to return to Arkansas State University to pursue a Master of Music Performance degree with an emphasis in Instrumental Conducting. From 2020-2022, he was a Graduate Assistant and a Graduate Arranger for the Sound of the Natural State Marching Band, a Graduate Conductor with the A-State Wind Ensemble and the A-State Percussion Ensemble, a Teaching Assistant with all of the undergraduate conducting courses, and a Teaching Assistant with the A-State Percussion Studio. Additional duties included rehearsing chamber ensembles from other instrumental studios, coordinating equipment and percussion moves for concerts and similar performances, and administrative assistant roles for events that the A-State Department of Music and A-State Bands would host. During his time at Arkansas State, Tyler was also an Administrative Assistant for the 2022 CBDNA Southwestern Division Intercollegiate Band and 2022 A-State Honor Band and was a Graduate Representative for the Student Infrastructure Committee.
After graduating with his Master of Music degree in May of 2022 at Arkansas State, Tyler accepted the position of Band Director for the Lubbock Independent School District at Cavazos Middle School in Lubbock, Texas, where he currently resides. When he is not teaching his students, Tyler is an active freelance musician with an emphasis in classical, jazz, musical theater, and collaborative piano. He has traveled around the country and outside of the country performing as an ensemble member and featured soloists with professional ensembles such as the Delta Symphony Orchestra, Jubilation Jazz, Diamond Brass Band, and has had a guest performance with the World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra. He has shared the stage with many notable jazz musicians, such as Ronald and Brian Carter, Victor Goines, and Ed Soph. In his spare time, Tyler enjoys traveling, playing video games, and playing tennis.