Teaching and Learning

District Level Standard: Guaranteed And Viable Curriculum
In Lubbock ISD, a guaranteed and viable curriculum is defined as what is written (state standards, TRS, YAG, SWAG and VAD), taught (best practices and use of resources), and tested (assessments). Fidelity to the district scope and sequence is a non-negotiable practice (with the exception of identified IB campuses). It is essential that the content taught and the sequence followed is consistent for all students on all campuses. It is not a campus or teacher decision to eliminate or minimize parts of the required subject matter. This expectation goes beyond the core subjects. The enrichment curriculum defined in Texas Administrative code 74.1 must not be deleted or omitted. Revisions made to the scope and sequence are based on data results to ensure that appropriate time and focus is given to the learning objectives that students need. Revisions must be made annually at all grade levels and in all content areas with an emphasis on high priority/focus standards (hard-to-teach/hard-to-reach). Backward mapping (keeping the end in mind) is essential to ensure vertical alignment.