District of Innovation

H.B. 1842 (84th Session of the Texas Legislature) in part amended Chapter 12 of the Texas Education Code (TEC) to create Districts of Innovations. Districts are eligible for designation if certain performance requirements are met and the district follows certain procedures for adoption as outlined in Statute. The designation provides the district will be exempt from certain sections of the TEC that inhibit the goals of the district as outlined in the locally adopted Innovation Plan.
On September 14, 2017, the Lubbock Independent School District passed a Resolution to initiate the process of designation as a District of Innovation in order to increase local control over District operations and to support innovation and local initiatives to improve educational outcome for the benefit of students in the community.
2022 District of Innovation Plan
The 84th legislative Session produced House Bill 1842, which included the District of Innovation (DoI) concept. This bill gives traditional independent school districts some of the flexibility available to current open-enrollment charter schools. The bill calls for a plan created by a district/community/parent team to implement innovations to improve the delivery of district services. The bill allows districts to be exempt from specific laws while implementing the innovations. One benefit of becoming a District of Innovation is increased local control to decide which flexibilities should be used in the implementation of the innovations. The plan was approved by the local Board of Trustees on December 6, 2022.