Fine arts logo

The Fine Arts mission is to provide resources, continuing education, and support for all the fine arts teachers in every organization in order to provide modern, equitable, and excellent educational experiences to every child in Lubbock ISD, every day. 

Namm Photot

Lubbock ISD has been honored for the ninth year in a row with the Best Communities for Music Education designation from The NAMM Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education.  

The Best Communities Music Education designation is awarded to districts that demonstrate outstanding achievement in efforts to provide music access and education to all students. The collective efforts of teachers, administrators, parents, students, and community leaders-have been instrumental in making music part of a well-rounded education for every child. The unwavering commitment to creating an environment where each child can learn and grow with music.

TAEA Logo photo

The Texas Art Education Association (TAEA) has named Lubbock ISD a District of Distinction for the SIXTH year in a row!

The award is given for providing well-rounded art education programs that advocate for and integrate visual arts curriculum to inspire creativity and reach all learners. Congratulations to all the art teachers in Lubbock ISD for their work advocating for creative learning opportunities that encourage individual growth and connect students to their peers, school, and society at large.

Youth Art Month YAM Poster 2025

2025 Youth Art Month Poster Designer, Alyssa Caudillo, Byron Martin ATC & Coronado High School, Brenda Olden - Graphic Design Teacher

~ YAM ~


Garden & Arts Exhibit, 4215 University

Exhibit runs February 29 – March 31

Garden & Arts Reception & Big Art Day, March 6th, 5:00 – 6:30 pm @ Garden & Arts Center - 4215 University

LHUCA Blue Ribbon Exhibit, 511 Avenue K

Exhibit runs March 4 – March 29

Blue Ribbon Reception, March 7th, 4:30 - 6:00 pm @ LHUCA, 511 Ave. K on the First Friday Art Trail

Youth art month and teae logo

Big Art Day March 2025 Poster

Big Art Day is an art happening to raise awareness of art education and art as a creative force in our communities on a BIG statewide scale.

TAEA REGION 17 VASE was held on February 15, 2025 at Coronado High School

Lubbock ISD received 58 top ratings! Six pieces are moving on to the State VASE event in April!

Congratulations to everyone that participated and good luck to our qualifiers at State.

Thank you to Matthew Wright, CHS Art Instructor, for serving as the Region 17 VASE Director. Thank you to everyone that helped as jurors, qualifications, runners, and many other positions!


Thank you to the American Theatre Guild and Elaine Stolze for providing a master class with Christian Mark Gibbs and Ashleigh Dawn Mortensen, from the cast of Les Miserables for our Lubbock ISD high school theatre students.

Three students prepared for a mock audition. Marcos Cuevas - Estacado High School, Zoe Drumright -Lubbock High School, and Ecko Hinson - Monterey High School. They received critiques and feedback as part of the workshop. Students were also able to ask questions, receive advice and insight from theatre professionals. The cast feedback, critiques, talkback and Q&A provided an amazing overall experience!

Theatre Student master class group photo

Mock audition group photo

les miserable cast members on stage photo

Thank you poster photo

Cast members with admin photo

Theatre students warming up

Cast member stage photo

Lubbock ISD Theatre MS One Act Play

Congratulations to the Lubbock ISD Middle School’s that participated in One Act Play Competition!

First Place – Hutch MS, Where the Sky Meets the Sea

Second Place – McCool Academy, The Government Inspector

Third Place – Irons MS, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

 Best Performers: Hutch MS - Izzy Armendariz, Astra and Atkins MS - Robby Rueda, Mayor

 All Star Cast: Hutch MS - Annie Bright, Carissa, Evans MS - Will Sullivan, Peter, Irons MS – Kendra Stephenson, Traveler, Irons MS – Hadlee Beaver, Bryce, Hutch MS – Hannah Pritchard, Irene, McCool Academy – Garhett Price-Petrey, Judge, Evans MS – Bridget Davis, Molly Aster, McCool Academy – Micaiah Arnold, Albert the Mayor

 Honorable Mentions: Atkins MS – Rylee Large, Agnes/Stan, Irons MS – Taylor Waldrop, Edward Tulane, Hutch MS – Meadow Ancell, Keilani Panee, Ara McWhinney, Lily Van Zandt, The Oracle, McCool Academy – Merrit Beam, Mavis, Atkins MS – Jace Baars, Herbert, Evans MS – Carson Blodgett, Black Stache, Atkins MS – Pricilla Mendez, Betty, Irons MS  - Aliza Ponce, Abilene/Shopper

Group theatre photo

String Fling Poster Cover 2025

Best perfomers middle school one act play photo

All State Photo

Congratulations to the Lubbock ISD band, orchestra and choir students who earned All-State Honors!

These students earned the recognition from the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA). The All-State performing groups represent the highest possible level of musical recognition in band and choir in the state of Texas. We applaud your skill, dedication, hours of practice and hard work. They will perform at the annual TMEA Convention in San Antonio on Saturday, February 15th. Thank you, directors, for teaching, encouraging, and supporting these students!

Buddy Holly Hall Logo

Lubbock ISD events at Buddy Holly Hall have a clear bag policy. No outside food or beverages are allowed.

Visit for more information.

Buddy Holly Hall Frequently Asked Questions

February Lubbock ISD Events at Buddy Holly Hall::

February 18 @ 6:30pm - Coronado HS & Lubbock HS UIL Mariachi Showcase in the Crickets Theatre

February 19-20 - High School Choir Pre-UIL in the Helen Devitt Jones Theatre

February 21 @ 5:15pm - Hutch MS Choir in the Crickets Theatre

February 22 @ 4:30pm - Singabration! Elementary Honor Choir Festival in the Helen Devitt Jones Theatre

February 25 - Band Pre-UIL in the Helen Devitt Jones Theatre

February 27 @ 5:15pm - Irons MS Choir in the Crickets Theatre

The West Texas Kodály Initiative

June 9-20, 2025 @ Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Science

Join our esteemed faculty of American and European Master Teachers this summer for an intensive two-week course, endorsed by the Organization of American Kodály Educators. Experience what is sure to be a rich start to your summer, both professionally and personally, with comprehensive classes in pedagogy, repertoire, musicianship, conducting and Kodály philosophy. Refresh, renew and find inspiration at the beautiful Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences in Lubbock, Texas!

Orientation to be held on Sunday, June 8, 2025 Lubbock, Texas

The West Texas Kodály Initiative Website

Lubbock High School Band Photo