Professional Learning for GT Services

Summer 2024 Professional Development Opportunities

6 Hour Update: Gifted/Talented

Depth and Complexity: Differentiation Framework for G/T and All

Depth and Complexity, a framework of thinking tools built on dual-coding theory, allows for connections in and across content, perfect for higher-achieving students and useful with all students. June 5th, Honey Elementary

Resources for G/T: Tier 1 and Tier 2

Dive into providing differentiated assignments and using best practice strategies with gifted learners and high achieving students, while exploring new resources available from Advanced Academics. June 20 or July 9, Honey Elementary

Genius Hour with Andi McNair

Many learners possess abilities and skills that do not fit into the traditional education system. This can lead to misunderstandings, frustration, disengagement, and apathy in the classroom. However, by allowing gifted learners to pursue their passions, interests, and purpose, they can become more self-aware, make important decisions, and develop critical life skills like creativity.

In this learning experience, you will discover the "6 Ps of Genius Hour" framework, a  process that enables passion-based learning in the classroom. We'll explore the six steps of the framework - passion, plan, pitch, project, product, and presentation - and how they work together to empower today's learners. June 10, Region 17

Twice Exceptional Students

This session will focus on understanding the characteristics associated with twice-exceptional learners, developing an understanding of specific needs associated with twice-exceptional learners, examining assessment and identification processes for twice-exceptional learners, understanding of service design options for the twice-exceptional learner, examining curriculum and instruction for the twice-exceptional learner, and exploring family and community resources for the twice-exceptional learner. July 17, Region 17

Empowering Gifted Learners: Understanding and Implementing the Texas Performance Standards Project

The Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) is a resource designed to provide differentiated instruction to gifted and talented (G/T) students from kindergarten through high school. It can also be used to provide enhanced academic opportunities for all students. This interactive workshop will provide educators with the tools and strategies needed to effectively implement TPSP in their classrooms, which will allow students the opportunity to create professional quality work in alignment with the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented students. July 30

6 Hour Update: Content Specific

School Year Professional Development Opportunities

Content Co-Op

On days noted as "Professional Development" in the instructional calendar, staff members will have the opportunity to learn more about gifted services in Lubbock ISD.

PLC/After School

Campuses may offer learning specific to need by having Advanced Academics provide learning during the school day in PLCs. Information covered will depend on campus need, such as differentiation strategies, identification or service options.