Professional Learning for GT Services
Professional learning to support G/T services in Lubbock ISD focuses to build internal recognition of needs in respect to academic and affective characteristics of students. It also builds teacher efficacy by connecting to district curriculum and resources. All professional learning opportunities for G/T services offered by Lubbock ISD meet one or more of the following goals:
Teachers, counselors, and administrators develop understanding of GT needs and services.
Teachers internalize processes for differentiation so that GT students show growth on district and/or state assessments.
Teachers apply content and technology resources to modify depth, complexity, and pacing of curriculum, creating an array of appropriately challenging learning experiences.
Teachers providing learning experiences for GT learners should evaluate how the experiences help students develop skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication, and lead to products and performances that are individual and advanced compared to peers.
Summer 2025 Professional Development Opportunities
6 Hour Update: Gifted/Talented
Depth and Complexity: Differentiation Framework for G/T and All
Depth and Complexity, a framework of thinking tools built on dual-coding theory, allows for connections in and across content, perfect for higher-achieving students and useful with all students. June 11, McCool Academy
Differentiation: Strategies You Can Use Now
Learn the process and categories of differentiation, along with easy-to-implement strategies that can be utilized in the classroom NOW. June 10, Region 17
G/T Instructional Strategies: Curriculum Compacting & Tiered Instruction
Curriculum compacting and tiered instruction can help teachers meet the needs of their G/T learners by providing more challenging academic opportunities in the general education classroom. June 17, Region 17
Build Your GT Toolbox (June and July)
Dive into providing differentiated assignments and using best practice strategies with gifted learners and high achieving students, while exploring new resources available from Advanced Academics. Participants will leave with tools to evaluate, plan, and provide differentiated opportunities for students. June 19 or July 16, McCool Academy
Teaching the Gifted Multilingual Learner with Depth and Complexity
Special Guest Marcy Voss will empower teachers of Gifted Emergent Bilingual or Multilingual learners with instructional strategies you implement into any classroom. June 30, Region 17
Options for G/T Services: TPSP and More
Explore the Texas Performance Standards Project and other options to expand and enrich your existing G/T program services. July 2, Region 17
Developing Higher-Level Thinking Skills
Ready to stretch your students' brains? Learn how to take students to the next level of thinking by developing high-level thinking skills. These skills can be integrated into any classroom for G/T (or ANY) students. July 15, Region 17
6 Hour Update: Content Specific
School Year Professional Development Opportunities
Content Co-Op
On days noted as "Professional Development" in the instructional calendar, staff members will have the opportunity to learn more about gifted services in Lubbock ISD.
PLC/After School
Campuses may offer learning specific to need by having Advanced Academics provide learning during the school day in PLCs. Information covered will depend on campus need, such as differentiation strategies, identification or service options.