Design of Gifted Services
Gifted/talented services in Lubbock ISD are primarily delivered in general education core classrooms by your child's teacher. Teachers work to differentiate learning for gifted students by changing how your child learns the content in class, how they show mastery of the content, or by how fast or deeply they experience the content.
The identification practices LISD currently uses allow us to serve strengths in the areas of:
Verbal Reasoning
Quantitative Reasoning
Non-Verbal Reasoning
We can generally identify classes and strategies that will best serve and grow students in these areas based on their performance in the identification process.
The opportunities described below are general services that may or may not be offered at your child's campus. To find out more about your specific campus's G/T services, please contact your child's campus. If you need additional assistance, contact the office of Advanced Academics at (806)219-0335.
Services vary by campus:
In-Class Differentiation: Students are provided services via differentiated instruction by their general education classroom teachers, with support and training from the district and other professional development means.
RTI (Response To Intervention): Teachers may be assigned students with G/T services and will provide enrichment activities to identified students during the designated RTI time. RTI time will include district developed enrichment activities as well as the Texas Performance Standards Projects (TPSP), a state developed differentiation resource for teaching GT students.
Pull-out Model: GT students are removed from their regular classroom for a specified period of time each week to work on differentiated activities such as critical thinking, creative problem solving, and, or extensions of the general curriculum for more depth and complexity with a teacher who is appropriately GT trained.
Cluster Grouping: Identified students are grouped together in a "cluster" with one main GT-trained teacher. They experience targeted differentiation in the general education classroom with a smaller group of non-GT peers.
Supplemental Activities: In-school or out-of-school options relevant to the student’s areas of strength such as: Future Problem Solvers, Destination Imagination, Robotics, Chess Club, UIL A+, Math Counts.
Middle School
In-Class Differentiation: Students are provided services via differentiated instruction by their general education classroom teachers, with support and training from the district and other professional development means.
Advanced Courses: Students will be scheduled into Advanced, Pre-AP and/or Pre-IB courses as appropriate based on areas of strength. These courses will be taught by a G/T trained teacher with differentiation that is documented in lesson plans.
Flexible Grouping during RTI/Enrichment Time: Gifted and Talented students are allowed to work independently or cooperatively with other G/T students. This self-directed learning strategy has the students playing a more active role in designing and managing his or her own learning and the appropriately trained teacher acts as a guide or facilitator.
Supplemental Activities: In-school or out-of-school options relevant to the student’s areas of strength such as: Future Problem Solvers, Destination Imagination, Robotics, Chess Club, UIL A+, Math Counts, Academic Pentathlon.
High School
In-Class Differentiation: Students are provided services via differentiated instruction by their general education classroom teachers, with support and training from the district and other professional development means.
Advanced Courses: Students will be scheduled into Pre-AP, AP, International Scholars, IB, Dual Credit courses as appropriate based on areas of strength. These courses will be taught by a G/T trained teacher with differentiation that is documented in lesson plans.
Supplemental Activities: In-school or out-of-school options relevant to the student’s areas of strength such as: Future Problem Solvers, Destination Imagination, Academic Decathlon and Octathlon, Robotics, Chess Club, UIL, Math Counts, Mock Trial.
Acceleration and Credit By Examination
In the event a student's needs may best be met through acceleration or credit by examination, please contact your child's counselor. For additional information about these options, reach out to the office of Counseling and Career Readiness (806-219-0330) or the office of Advanced Academics (806-219-0335).