Help Desk Ticketing System Tutorial

To Enter a help desk ticket, sign in at Incident IQ with the same Lubbock ISD credentials used for the other district systems. 

Users may also access the new Help Desk system from the links on the website or through the Lubbock ISD Links bookmarks folder when signed in to the Chrome Browser.

help desk

In an effort to provide better customer service and keep detailed information about the district technology resources, Lubbock ISD has transitioned to a new Help Desk ticketing system, Incident IQ. Please submit technology help requests via the new system. 

Teachers and Staff will be able to:

  • enter a Help Desk ticket

  • see detailed notes about the resolution of that ticket

  • see a history of technical issues that have been turned in about a device

  • see a current inventory of devices in the classroom

  • utilize a web browser from any Internet-connected device or use the iOS or Android mobile app

How to Login



How to login to Incident IQ;

Set User Profile



Set up user profile for dashboard set up, favorite assets, and notifications    

Create New Ticket



Create a new ticket from scratch

Quick Ticket



Create a ticket based on a favorited asset

The Dashboard



Learn about the information the dashboard shows

YES, there’s an APP for that!