Procurement Services
The Lubbock Independent School District’s Procurement Services Department is charged with the responsibility of creating a healthy and competitive atmosphere among a large number of vendors in accordance with the Purchasing Code of Ethics.
The Procurement Services Department is a support organization of the District charged with the responsibility of acquiring goods and services requested by instructional and administrative departments.
The Director of Procurement Services shall be responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive procurement system for the Lubbock Independent School District. This purchasing system shall be in accordance with local, state, and federal statutes or ordinances, good business practices, school board policies and the provisions in the annual budget adopted by the Board of Trustees for the current fiscal year.
The comprehensive procurement system shall include written regulations and procedures as required to provide personal property and services efficiently for the District’s needs.
In addition to procurement, the following functions fall within the scope and responsibilities of the Procurement Services Department:
Contract Services Administration
Student Transportation
Child Nutrition
Fixed Asset Control
Lubbock ISD Staff
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