Public Hearing Guidelines

Please read the public hearing guidelines carefully before signing up to speak.

The Lubbock ISD Board of Trustees established the following guidelines for persons submitting specific redistricting proposals and providing comments in a resolution adopted October 14, 2021.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, in order to make sure that any comments regarding the redistricting process and any redistricting plan that might be submitted are of maximum assistance to the Board in its decision-making process, the Board hereby sets the following guidelines to be followed by each person submitting a comment or a redistricting plan for consideration:

  • Proposed plans must be submitted in writing and be legible. If a plan is submitted orally, there is significant opportunity for misunderstanding, and it is possible that errors may be made in analyzing it. The Board wants to be sure that all proposals are fully and accurately considered.

  • Any plan must show the total population and voting age population for African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Anglo/Other for each proposed trustee district based on the 2020 Census Data. If a plan is submitted without a population breakdown, the Board may not have sufficient information to give it full consideration.

  • Plans should redistrict the entire District. The Board will be considering the effect of any plan on the entire District. Any plan is subject to the Voting Rights Act, which protects various racial and language minorities. Thus, as a matter of federal law, the Board will be required to consider the effect of any proposal on multiple racial and ethnic groups. If a plan does not redistrict the entire District, it may be impossible for the Board to assess its impact on one or more protected minority groups.

  • Plans should conform to the redistricting criteria the Board will be using in drawing the trustee districts.

  • Comments must be submitted in writing and be legible, even if the person also makes the comments orally at a public hearing.

  • Persons providing comments and those submitting proposed plans must identify themselves by full name and home address and provide a phone number and, if available, an email address. The Board may wish to follow up on such comments or obtain additional information about submitted plans.

  • All comments and proposed plans must be submitted to the Board of Trustees by the close of the public hearing.