REACH Program
3101 E. 2nd St.
Lubbock, TX 79403
Phone: (806) 219-2900
(806) 766-2235 - fax
Lisa Bryant

Restoring Relationships
Exemplifying Responsibility
Advocating for Self
Contributing to Society
Hoping for the Future
The REACH Program is a Lubbock ISD Special Services program designed for students requiring daily intensive social, emotional, and academic services in grades K-12. Placement in the REACH Program is determined by an Admission, Review, and Dismissal Committee (ARDC). The REACH program employs highly qualified and trained staff who specialize in providing social and emotional learning on a daily basis. Services at REACH go beyond what a general education campus is able to provide and focuses more intensively on meeting the comprehensive needs of the student. For each student, the ARDC will design a plan to reintegrate the student back to a general education campus, when appropriate, where the student will continue to receive Social, Emotional, Behavior, Support Services (SEBSS).
Our Mission
“To change lives by empowering our students through a therapeutic program designed to build relationships and overcome challenges in order to positively impact their community.”