Campus Student Behavior Support Specialist & PBIS Team Leaders
PBIS Teams
PBIS Team Leader Responsibilities - The PBIS Team Leader Handbook outlines the roles and responsibilities of campus PBIS team leaders, including a month by month checklist for activities.
Campus PBIS Handbook Template - Campus PBIS Handbooks are completed during summer team training and updated throughout the school year.
Behavior Data Protocol - Provides an explanation of various data reports and helpful questions to ask when analyzing the data.
PBIS Team Tier 1 Meeting Agenda - Sample agenda for campuses to use for monthly PBIS team meetings.
Team Trainings and Planning
Couldn't make it to summer team training? Want to use something from a team training with your staff? Look here.
Tier 2 Resources
Small Group Social Skills
In addition to the resources linked below, each campus counselor and/or Student Behavior Support Specialist has been provided with resources for Zones of Regulation and Skill Streaming.