Student Teaching and Observations
Lubbock ISD partners with universities, colleges, alternative certification programs, and other teacher preparation programs to provide placement for student teachers and observers in schools across the district. Student teachers and observers are partnered with highly qualified Mentor Teachers who demonstrate a desire to host a teacher candidate. All mentors are approved by principals and are vetted by the district. The goal of this program is to provide a high-quality pre-certification experience for future educators while creating a pipeline of diverse educators to serve in Lubbock ISD.
Universities must have a valid Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) prior to the placement of student teachers.
For information on becoming a university partner, placing students, or becoming a Mentor Teacher, please the information below for next steps.
University Partnerships
Existing Partner Universities Include:
Texas Tech University
Lubbock Christian University
Wayland Baptist University
Eastern New Mexico University
West Texas A&M
Valdosta State University
Other Universities should use the link below to request a MOU form.
Clinicial Teaching Placement Process
Student Teaching
Universities wishing to place clinical teachers in Lubbock ISD must email the Leadership and Professional Development Department prior to beginning the recruitment of mentors.
The Leadership and Professional Development will contact campuses/departments with criteria for quality placements and application information.
Principals/Directors will recruit/refer mentor teachers who are eligible to have clinical-teacher candidates based on district criteria to complete the application process.
Teachers approved by administrators to serve as mentor teachers will complete the Mentor Teacher Application which can be found on the Clinical Teaching Website. Please review the steps below:
University clinical teaching candidates must complete volunteer/background checks with the Human Resources Department of Lubbock ISD. Links can be found on the Human Resources website by clicking here.
The university and district will coordinate to conduct a review of mentors and finalize placements.
Once placements are confirmed, the university will provide student ID numbers and candidates will be assigned Lubbock ISD emails to allow access to Google tools. Information should be provided using a copy of this spreadsheet.
The University will partner with the district to keep an accurate list of candidates. Lubbock ISD emails will be maintained by the district accordingly.
Field-based Observation Placement Process
Class Placements
University representatives wishing to place students for field observations may contact principals to obtain permission to have class and students on campus (pending background checks).
Once approved by the principal, the university representative will contact the Leadership and Professional Development and submit student contact information and placements using the form provided here. (Download and email to Beth Berridge)
University students will complete volunteer/background checks with the Human Resources Department. This can be found by clicking here.
Human Resources will notify the Leadership and Professional Development Department if there is a concern over a candidate and the university will be notified the candidate cannot participate.
Individual Student Requests
Individual students seeking field observations may contact principals to obtain permission to observe on campus (pending background checks).
Once approved by the principal, the principal will complete this form to submit names indicating the placement of students.
University students will complete volunteer/background checks with the Human Resources Department. This can be found by clicking here.
Human Resources will notify the Leadership and Professional Development Department if there is a concern over a candidate and the student and university will be notified the candidate cannot participate.
Clinical Teacher Mentor Guidelines and Application
Lubbock ISD offers effective teachers the opportunity to share their vast knowledge and expertise in the area of teaching and instruction with student teachers, interns, and observers from our partnering universities, colleges, alternative certification programs, and other teacher preparation programs. Mentor Teachers are lifelong learners who successfully implement best practices, are proficient in interacting and communicating with student teachers, and are dedicated to helping mold our future educators. Effective Cooperating Teachers are an intricate part of the development and success of the student-teacher.
MENTOR TEACHER ELIGIBILITY (for student teachers only):
At least three years’ experience in the field of study and current courses taught
Valid credentials within the teaching field
Received “Proficient” or above on all dimensions of T-TESS
Student Growth Data demonstrates success with students
A strong knowledge base of the assigned content area
Proficiency in lesson planning and delivery of instruction
Commitment to helping mold a future educator
Positive attitude toward the profession, position, parents, students, and colleagues
Ability to interact and communicate in a respectful, caring, and supportive way
Flexibility and patience
Good listening and problem-solving skills
Willingness to share your classroom, materials, and resources with pre-service students
Application must be submitted by March 22, 2024.
Steps for Completing Application:
Click Mentor Application Button Above
Use Mentor1 as the “passkey”
Then click the green “Start Survey” button