Harwell Elementary opened in 1942. After World War II, Lubbock experienced a population growth due to the opening of Reese Air Force Base. This prompted the building of 11 schools, one of them being Harwell Elementary. The school was named in honor of Chris Harwell. Mr. Harwell was a single individual who had a deep interest in education and one of Lubbock's first citizens active in promoting city growth.
The orignial building had 10 classrooms, in 1949 four more classrooms were added. Sixteen years laters in 1965 six more classrooms, a library space, and a kitchen were added. In 1970 the library was expanded. Lubbock had another growth spurt in 1985. Consequently, in 1986 10 more classrooms with restrooms were added and the main hallway was remodeled. Finally, in 1989 a gymnasium was added and air conditioning was installed in the whole building.
Currently Harwell has 30 classrooms in the building and 6 portables. Harwell serves about 480 students PK-5th grade. We are proud of our Spanish Bilingual Dual Language Program. Students that participate in this program become bilingual and bi-literate in Spanish and English and develop cultural awareness, self-confidence and leadership skills. Instruction is delivered with 90% instruction in Spanish and 10% instruction in English in primary grades and 50% in Spanish and 50% English in intermediate grades. We are also proud of being an AVID school. AVID's mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.