
C. N. Hodges Elementary School, located at 5001 Avenue P, Lubbock, Texas is 72 years old as of 2024-2025 school year. The school colors are royal blue and gold. The mascot is the longhorn.
Charles Newton Hodges was born and raised in Quinlan Texas. He worked as telegraph operator, then joined the military and went to the Philippines during the Spanish American War. He assisted with establishing several schools and churches in Philippines. He never actually lived in Lubbock. In 1962 C.N. Hodges died at the age of 83.
1950 - The land was donated by C. N. Hodges's Family for the school. Presentation of the land included that the school be named C.N. Hodges and if the land ceased to be used for educational purposes it would revert to the Hodges heirs.
1951 - Construction for Hodges began, original building had 12 Classrooms and the Architect was O.R. Walker.
1952 - School opened in September with 8 more classrooms. In 1952, there were many students attending Hodges. A new office, combined lounge/workroom area, and remodeling of the clinic were added to help ease the over crowding school. Hodges was given a new look. The enrollment has remained steady the past several years with over six hundred students being served in grade kindergarten through sixth, and with over forty faculty and staff members.
1987 - Major construction was done at Hodges Elementary in order to expand and make room for the growing population of students entering its doors. A kindergarten section, several classrooms, two computer labs, and the southwest wing were added.
Hodges has been served by six principals in its fifty year span beginning with:
Mr. P. E. Davis - 1952-1969
Mr. Don W. Rocap - 1969-1971
Mr. Grover C. Colvin - 1971-1978
Mr. Dennis Hargrove - 1978-2004
Mrs. Cloris Tiffin - 2004-2006
Mr. Robert Guerrero - 2006-2011
Ruby Jackson 2011 - 2016
Elsa Montez- 2016-2018
Alice Jiminez- 2018- 2024
Matthew Bickley- 2024 - Present