
M.C. Overton, M.D., moved to Lubbock in 1901 and became one of its first trained physicians. He later became a surgeon and Lubbock's first pediatrician.

Living by his motto, "To lead a life of helpfulness by serving others as much as possible, and say or do nothing to cause any harm to anyone," Dr. Overton was generous in his medical treatment and expected little in return. He was a true friend of the community and participated in the building of Lubbock's first hospital. He purchased property in the Overton addition, divided it, and sold it to families to build homes. Dr. Overton donated land for parks, churches, student centers, and was the first to donate land to Texas Tech. He also helped start what is now Covenant Hospital.

Dr. Overton watched Lubbock's population and his practice grow so large that he spent most of his time serving patients. Believing that "a man's first duty is to his home and family, even at a sacrifice of ambition," he retired from his medical practice in 1908, so that he could spend more time with his family. A book of his life was published in 1992, entitled He Wore A Pink Carnation: A Biography of Dr. M.C. Overton, Pioneer Physician and Builder of Lubbock, written by Nan Overton West. Several buildings in Lubbock bear Dr. Overton's name, but one that is especially important to us is M. C. Overton Elementary School.

Past Principals

  • Mr. Lennon Hill 1948-1971

  • Mr. Carroll Lockett 1971-1975

  • Mr. Drew Jackson 1975-2004

  • Mr. Severo Alvarado 2004-2005

  • Mrs. Shana Underwood 2005 - 2010

  • Mrs. Ann Archer 2010 - 2021

  • Mr. Kevin Booe 2021 - Present


M.C. Overton, M.D.

M.C. Overton, M.D.