It's Pickle and Popcorn Friday! Students in kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to purchase pickles, popcorn, and/or pickle pops for $1 each. Proceeds benefit our Plainsmen Prime store and school events.
9 months ago, Brittany Moses
Pickle and Popcorn this Friday with pictures of a pickle, popcorn, and popsicle with $1 on them
Today is IT Professionals Day! Thank you to those who help keep us connected!
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
National IT Professionals Day, computer screen showing globe and connection dots
This week we celebrate "Start with Hello Week" at Wheelock! Students will participate in lessons each day that focus on inclusion and acceptance.
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
Start with Hello Week with hello in different languages
Today marks the first day of Hispanic Heritage Month! As we celebrate, we'd like to honor the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latino Americans.
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
Hispanic Heritage Month September 15 - October 15 with colorful flags and Lubbock ISD logo
Join us on September 26th from 5:30-6:30p for Family Painting Night!
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
Invitation to family painting night with paint tubes
Pack your smiles tomorrow for picture day!
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
Camera  with Picture Day is tomorrow
Today marks 22 years after the September 11th tragedy. Twenty-two years later, we still remember the men and women who lost their lives and our brave servicemen and women who helped save countless others.
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
Never Forget, September 11, on background of memorial with Wheelock logo
Bring your biggest smiles! Thursday, September 14th is individual picture day!
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
Camera with text - Don't Forget - Picture Day is Thursday
This week is National Arts in Education Week!
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
 National Arts in Education Week, Wheelock Logo, student artwork of animals with sunglasses on
Today is International Literacy Day! What is your favorite thing to read?
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
Book with globe and rocket behind, International Literacy Day, Lubbock ISD logo
Does your fourth or fifth grade student LOVE to play basketball?! Tryouts for the Wheelock basketball team are September 12th for boys and September 13th for girls. Please contact Coach Fleming if you have questions!
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
Basketball tryouts on September 12th (boys) and September 13 (girls) with basketball and Plainsmen logo
Students in grades K-5th are invited to bring money to purchase items from our school "snack shack" this Friday. All items are $1 and proceeds benefit school events and programs!
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
Snack Shack this Friday with candy images
JOIN WHEELOCK'S PARENT UNIVERSITY! Engage with Wheelock and win great prizes! Check out this flyer and then watch your email for more information!
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
Parent U info: Register, attend parent events, check in on the app, earn rewards
Don't forget to order your PTA shirt(s)! All orders are due THIS FRIDAY!
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
PTA shirt with "Last chance to order, Orders due 9/8/23"
We love seeing our families on campus! Please see below for a few friendly reminders about using the kiosk in our newly improved lobby.
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
Early pick up instructions
Late arrival instructions
Visitor Kiosk instructions
We hope that everyone has a safe and happy Labor Day! We'll see everyone back in school tomorrow.
10 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Labor Day with three stars and Lubbock ISD logo
We hope that everyone has a safe and happy Labor Day! We'll see everyone back in school tomorrow.
10 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Labor Day, three star with Lubbock ISD logo
It's time to "show what you know" on Istation! Our students will take their monthly ISIP/Istation test on Tuesday and Wednesday. Leave your student(s) some encouraging words in the comments!
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
Istation testing on September 5th and 6th with a paperclip and Wheelock logo
Hey, Lubbock ISD families! 👋 This is a friendly reminder that there is no school on Monday, Sept. 4, in observance of Labor Day. We'll see everyone back in school on Tuesday, Sept. 5.
10 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Student & Staff Holiday, September 4, 2023, Labor Day, Lubbock ISD logo, cellphone with No School Monday reminder on it
We hope that all of our Plainsmen families have a fantastic long weekend! Let us know how you are spending the 3 day weekend in the comments.
10 months ago, Brittany Moses
Happy Labor Day and No School on September 4th with stars