16 se septiembre viva mexico with fireworks and red white and green banners
Apoyo de inscripción para padres lunes - jueves 8 AM - 4 PM Oficina de McWhorter  Casa Abierta Padres y estudiantes lunes, 12 de agosto 4:30-5:30 PM  El primer día de escuela miércoles, 14 de agosto 7:35-3:25 PM  Suministros escolares Se proporcionarán suministros y mochilas  Comprobante de domicilio Debemos tener un comprobante  de domicilio actualizado, debe entregarlo antes del 8 de agosto para que pueda conocer a su maestro/a en la Casa Abierta. Puede traerlo a la escuela  o enviar una foto por correo electrónico a becca.navarro@lubbockisd.org  Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a la oficina 806-219-6100
Lubbock ISD Drive-Thru Registration July 25 | Monterey High School
Lubbock ISD summer meals with copies of fruit and lunch items, Lubbock ISD logo
nurse holding 2 pills and water glass
yellow sticky note with words save the date!
rainsbow colored snow cone with red straw
Texas Elementary ARt Meet TAEA TEAM with logo
teacher at a table with a student on the other side
we are celebrating mcwhorter is 80! may 10th 5:30-7:30 speaker and mustang with news
Hooray for PreK! Register online schedule & Verigy Enroll Your student open April 4, Lubbockisd.org/prek
Job Fair Join Our Team 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Time Saturday April 6, Date, Monterey High School Cafeteria 3211 47th Street More information www.LubbockISD.org/jobs
School Holidays March 29- April 1
2024-2025 Registration Happening Now with Lubbock ISD logo and yellow accents
Spring Break March 11-15 #WeAreLubbockISD
group of people walking past wall of display art
poeple visiting in front of a wall of art
image of Texas flag with STAAR at the top and the words "State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness" at the bottom