Technology Procedures

  1. Students will understand that the library lab is utilized only with permission from a teacher and when a teacher or the librarian is present.

  2. Students will only have access to the library lab during library hours.

  3. Library computers are for research, utilizing the library catalog, homework, and in-class assignments. Although they are used for gaming before and after school, they may not be used for gaming during school hours unless a teacher specifies so and informs the librarian.

  4. Teachers may reserve the library lab for class usage on an as-needed basis. We request at least 24 hours notice.

  5. Students will not use the library lab for personal items (i.e. checking email, downloading music or games, checking Facebook or other social media sites, chatting).

  6. Library computers are closely monitored at all times. Computer 5 is a teacher-only computer.

  7. Log into the library computers using your Google ID ( and password.

  8. Do not log into the computer for another student or use another student's login information.

  9. Computers 1 and 2 are for signing in and library catalog use only. Do not use them for anything else unless a teacher or the librarian has given permission. You do not need to log in.

  10. Students do not have printing abilities in the library.

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