Library Media Center

Phone Number - (806)219-6508
Address - 702 Ave T Lubbock, Tx 79401
Deanna Moore, Library Media Specialist
Hours of Operation
Library is open each school day
from 8:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.
About the Library
Teachers schedule a 30 minute checkout period once each week to bring their entire class to the library media center for checkout, students may be sent to the library on an individual basis during open library times during the school day for checkout.

Lost or Damaged Library Books
Books are very precious and fragile objects. The library and school staff try very hard to teach students how to best take care of the library books but accidents can still happen.
A fine of not more than $1.00 per page may be charged for slight damage. In the event that a book is damaged beyond repair or lost the purchase price of the book will need to be paid. Please see the library staff for more information.