School Nurse/Health Services
Patie Braden, RN
Phone Number: (806) 219-2223
Fax Number: (806) 766-1738
E-mail Address:
Nurse's Office Information
A full time nurse is on duty every day. If a student feels ill, teachers can issue a pass to the nurse. Students will need to show their student ID badges for admission to the nurse's office. If necessary, the nurse will call the emergency contact on file. If it is necessary to leave school, students must wait in the nurse’s office. An adult with proper identification must sign the student out in the office. Students are not allowed to call home for a parent to pick them up without the nurse’s approval.
If medication is required during the school day the following must be in place:
Current written order from the student’s physician/licensed prescriber stating the child’s name, name of medication to be given, dosage and time of day the medication is to be given at school (frequency of administration).
Written consent of the parent/guardian is also required.
All medication must be in a properly labeled original container whether prescription or over the counter and stored in the clinic. Students may not carry any medication with them.
Herbal dietary supplements and other nutritional aids not approved as medication by the FDA may not be administered at school.