Welcome to Health Services at Irons Middle School!

Clinic Guidelines

At Irons, we want to provide a safe and healthy environment for both our staff and students. We will follow the guidelines set by LubbockISD when determining whether a child can remain at school, or will need to be sent home and/or evaluated by a physician. 


Your child must be FEVER FREE without the use of medications (Tylenol or Motrin) for 24 hours. Fever is considered 100.4˚ or greater. 

Vomiting or Diarrhea

Your child must not have thrown up or had any diarrhea for 24 hours to come to school. If your child reports these symptoms to the school nurse, they will most likely call you to pick the child up from school. (According to the Texas Department of State Health Services, diarrhea is defined as 3 or more episodes of loose watery stools in a 24 hour period)

Possible Pink Eye (Bacterial Conjunctivitis) & Strep

Your child should be seen by a physician if he or she presents with possible bacterial conjunctivitis or strep. He/She must be on an antibiotic for 24 hours before returning to school.

Please remember that if you send medicine to school for your child it must be in the original container if it is over the counter. If it is a prescription medication, we need the prescription label on the medication container, along with a filled out "Medication Administration" form.


Health History & Life Threatening Conditions

Please let us know if your student has a significant health history, life threatening allergies, or special medical concerns. If your child has a life threatening condition, an Action Plan must be provided by the child's healthcare provider. Significant health history include, but are not limited to: asthma, diabetes, seizures, and allergies that require an Epi-Pen. 

Medications While at School / Scheduled & Over the Counter (OTC)

If your child must receive medication while at school, you will need to bring it to the school and a "Medication Administration" form must be filled out and completed, along with your child's prescription medication. 

Forms are available from the School Nurse upon request.

  • All prescription medication requires a "Medication Administration" form

  • All over the counter (OTC) medication requires a signed OTC form from a parent/guardian

  • For ALL medications, a parent or guardian must bring the medication to the school in the original pharmacy-labeled bottle; DO NOT SEND IT WITH YOUR CHILD. Ask your pharmacist to supply you with an extra bottle for the school nurse. 

  • All medication must be picked up by a parent/guardian at the end of the school year. Medication not retrieved will be destroyed at the end of the year.  

OTC Medications in the Clinic: Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, Tums, Pepto Bismol

*If your child requires liquid medication, please fill out a "Medication Administration Form", and bring the medication to the clinic when you drop your child off at the school.*


  • We must have a Diabetic Care Plan on file from your physician.

  • Please also provide the clinic with the necessary emergency medication; a "Medication Administration" form must be turned in along with the emergency medication

Epi Pens & Inhalers

  • If a student is permitted by his or her parent/guardian and their healthcare provider to self-carry or self-administer medication (applies to only inhalers and epi-pens), please make sure to print out the "Physician Request Emergency Anaphylaxis Medication" form or the "School Asthma Management Plan". Both forms require your physician's signature. 

  • You MUST have a 2nd Epi-Pen in the school clinic