Thank you to our incredible paraprofessionals who support our students and teachers every single day!
9 months ago, Deanna Moore
Thank you, Paraprofessionals with circles and hearts, Lubbock ISD logo
Thank you to our incredible assistant principals!
9 months ago, Deanna Moore
Thank you for leading assistant Principals, Happy assistant principals week
April is Autism Awareness Month! This month we celebrate the unique brilliance and joy our neurodiverse community brings. Let's shine a light on understanding, acceptance, and love.
9 months ago, Deanna Moore
April is Autism Awareness Month with hearts on blue background
This month we celebrate School Library Month! Let's dive into the world of books and spark imagination!
9 months ago, Deanna Moore
Happy School Library Month with coach reading to children
Don't forget no school Monday, April 1st.
9 months ago, Deanna Moore
No school Monday
Happy Easter!
9 months ago, Deanna Moore
bunny in watering can with easter eggs
Don't forget there is no school Monday, April 1st.
9 months ago, Deanna Moore
No school Monday
🚨 NO SCHOOL TODAY OR MONDAY 🚨 We hope everyone enjoys a long four-day weekend! We'll see everyone back in class on Tuesday, April 2! #WeAreLubbock
9 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Student & Staff Holiday March 29 | April 1 No School Friday or Monday
Watch for some Ramirez Rams saying the Pledge of Allegiance and announcing the daily lunch menu on KAMC, channel 28, cable channel 8, during the morning show at 5:10 a.m., 5:40 a.m., 6:10 a.m. and 6:40 a.m., March 25 - April 5, 2024.
10 months ago, Deanna Moore
KAMC logo with Lubbock skyline
Today is National Ag Day! Today we take time to recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture.
10 months ago, Deanna Moore
Students smiling with farming display
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
10 months ago, Deanna Moore
Teachers dressed for St. Patrick's Day
Today is National Children's Craft Day. Take some time to make some fun crafts!
10 months ago, Deanna Moore
Familie painting a craft together
We hope that everyone has a safe and fun spring break! We'll see everyone back in class on March 18! #WeAreLubbockISD
10 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Spring Break March 11-15 #WeAreLubbockISD
It's time to spring forward! Daylight savings begins today!
10 months ago, Deanna Moore
Daylight Savings Time to spring forward
Today is International Women's Day! Let's celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women across the world.
10 months ago, Deanna Moore
International Women's Day with women below
Thank you for your service to keep our schools clean and always ready for our students and staff!
10 months ago, Deanna Moore
Thank you custodians and Maintenance Workers
Thank you to all of our social workers in Lubbock ISD!
10 months ago, Deanna Moore
Thank you social workers!
Honoring the men and women who help to better serve the educational needs of children and youth.
10 months ago, Deanna Moore
Educational Diagnosticians Week with hands raised and Lubbock ISD logo
Honoring our rich history in the Lone Star State!
10 months ago, Deanna Moore
Happy Texas Independence Day with state of Texas and stars
Today is Read Across America Day! Grab your favorite book and start reading!
10 months ago, Deanna Moore
adult reading book to children in classroom