Hall of Fame

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The Roscoe Wilson Hall of Fame was created in 1995 in an effort to recognize the achievements of former Roscoe Wilson students and identify role models for current students. Any adult who attended Roscoe Wilson for at least one year may be nominated for consideration. Upon induction, each honoree or their representative addresses the student body sharing some of their school experiences and voicing support for education.

Do you know someone who has represented us well, please print and complete this form and turn it in to the school front office: Roscoe Wilson Hall of Fame Nomination Form

2019 - James O. "Jim" Gilbreath, Jr. 

2018 - Roy A. Middleton

2017 - Douglas Sanford

2016 - David Ross Langford

2015 - Kevin Curtis

2014 - Byrn "Byrnie" Bass, Jr.

2013 - William F. "Bill" Dean

2012 - Benjamin H. "Hank" Holly

2011 - Robert C. Taylor, Jr.

2010 - Gerald Lynn Woolam

2009 - John Christopher "Chris" Brown

2008 - James P. "Jim" Cummings, Sr.

2007 - James R. Brown

2006 - Ron Reeves

2005 - Mark Griffin

2004 - John Key

2003 - Rosie Sandifer

2002 - J. Q. Wamick & Davis L. Ford

2001 - David H. Benson

2000 - Glenna Maxey Goodacre

1999 - David C. Weaver, Jr.

1998 - Mary Camille "Kamie" Ethridge

1997 - Max Faulkner & Susan Ford Wiltshire

1996 - C. Doyle Gammill & Sam R. Cummings

1995 - Charles Hardin Holley "Buddy Holly" & Sumners Bladsoe Goebel