Check out the VTC students and staff who wore green on Wednesday in connection with everything we learned about during "Say Something" week!
3 months ago, Cheyenne Spell
VTC students and staff sporting green attire in connection with everything they have learned during "Say Something" week.
Check out our Scouts who participated in the 2024 BSA Merit Badge College! On Saturday, March 2nd, the VTC hosted Merit Badge College for the South Plains area. This event was attended by Scout troops from all over the South Plains region as well as 11 Scouts from the Vocational Transition Center who began working on the requirements to complete their Cooking and Scouting Heritage merit badges!
3 months ago, Cheyenne Spell
Troop 174 and friends working on their Scouting Heritage merit badge
Hi, Lubbock ISD families! 👋 This is a friendly reminder that there is early dismissal for all schools on Friday! We hope that everyone has a great last week of school! #WeAreLubbockISD
4 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Early Dismissal May 24, 2024
🚨 NO SCHOOL TODAY OR MONDAY 🚨 We hope everyone enjoys a long four-day weekend! We'll see everyone back in class on Tuesday, April 2! #WeAreLubbock
5 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Student & Staff Holiday March 29 | April 1 No School Friday or Monday
We hope that everyone has a safe and fun spring break! We'll see everyone back in class on March 18! #WeAreLubbockISD
6 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Spring Break March 11-15 #WeAreLubbockISD
Lubbock ISD classes are on a two-hour delay tomorrow, Monday, February 12, due to the increased possibility of icy conditions impacting travel to school and work. School start times will be adjusted as follows: elementary schools will begin at 9:45 a.m., middle schools will begin at 10:20 a.m., and high schools will begin at 10:15 a.m. Buses will run on a two-hour delay schedule. There will be no classes tomorrow at the Byron Martin ATC or the Agri-STEM Complex. Weather conditions will continue to be monitored, and we will provide additional communication tomorrow morning no later than 7 a.m. if there are any changes. Please stay safe and warm!
7 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Classes Delayed Monday, Feb. 12
We hope our Lubbock ISD family is staying safe and warm on this snowy Sunday! This is a friendly reminder about how we communicate weather delays or cancellations. We share information by using: 1. Our social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, and X). 2. Our website ( 3. Our district notification system (phone call, text message, email, and app push notification). 4. Our district television station (Lubbock ISD-TV). 5. Our local media outlets You can find more information about how we make these decisions and when we communicate about them at our weather information page at
7 months ago, Erin Gregg
Weather communication
🍎 School Board Appreciation Month 🍎 Thank you to the members of our school board who help our district improve each and every day! We're so thankful for everything you do! #WeAreLubbockISD
8 months ago, Lubbock ISD
School Board Appreciation Month, THANK YOU
❄️ Early dismissal today! ❄️ We hope that everyone has a happy and safe winter break! We'll see everyone back in school on Wednesday, Jan. 10! #WeAreLubbockISD
9 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Early Dismissal December 22nd
Special Olympics athletes from the Vocational Transition Center earned and received their letter jackets last Friday at their second annual letterman ceremony, recognizing their achievements through their time in the program. VTC staff, leadership, and proud parents were invited to help honor these students before the holiday break.
9 months ago, Cheyenne Spell
VTC letter jackets
Kami Finger, Bill Stubblefield, and Dr. Kathy Rollo at the VTC letter jacket ceremony
Bill Stubblefield and Dr. Kathy Rollo with letter jacket recipient, Alex
Bill Stubblefield and Dr. Kathy Rollo assisting Destiny as she tries on her VTC letter jacket
Bill Stubblefield, Dr. Kathy Rollo, and letter jacket recipient, Destiny
Bill Stubblefield and Dr. Kathy Rollo with letter jacket recipient, Madison
letter jacket recipient, Te, as he is trying on his letter jacket
Bill Stubblefield and Dr. Kathy Rollo with letter jacket recipient, Te
Bill Stubblefield and Dr. Kathy Rollo with letter jacket recipient, Jaina
Bill Stubblefield and Dr. Kathy Rollo with letter jacket recipient, Hunter
We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We'll see everyone back in school on Monday, Nov. 27! #WeAreLubbockISD
10 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Thanksgiving Break November 20-24
Check out all of the VTC students and staff who wore as much green as possible on Friday in celebration of the ultimate day of our VTC Spirit Week this week!
10 months ago, Cheyenne Spell
VTC students and staff wearing green for spirit day
Check out all of the VTC students and staff who participated in Crazy Sock day on Thursday as part of our VTC Spirit Week this week!
10 months ago, Cheyenne Spell
VTC Students and Staff showing off their crazy socks
Check out all of the VTC students and staff who participated in our Double-Trouble Twin Day on Tuesday as part of our VTC Spirit Week this week!
10 months ago, Cheyenne Spell
VTC Students and Staff dressed up for twin day
❗️❗️ NO SCHOOL TODAY ❗️❗️ We'll see everyone back in class tomorrow!
10 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Student Holiday November 1, 2023 Goals Day No School Today
Check out all of the VTC students and staff who participated in Crazy Hat day on Monday as part of our VTC Spirit Week this week!
10 months ago, Cheyenne Spell
VTC students and staff wearing crazy hats for Crazy Hat Day
NO SCHOOL TODAY! We'll see everyone back in class tomorrow! #WeAreLubbockISD
11 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Student & Staff Holiday, October 9, 2023 No School Today with Lubbock ISD logo and phone background
NO SCHOOL TODAY! We'll see everyone back in class tomorrow! #WeAreLubbockISD
11 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Student and Staff Holiday, October 9, 2023 No School Today Lubbock ISD logo with phone background
Hey, Lubbock ISD families! 👋 This is a friendly reminder that there is no school for students or staff on Monday, Oct. 9. We'll see everyone back in class on Tuesday, Oct. 10! #WeAreLubbockISD
11 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Student & Staff Holiday, October 9, 2023 No school Monday with Lubbock ISD logo
Students and staff at the Vocational Transition Center wore green on Wednesday in celebration of everything we learned last week about how to create a socially inclusive school community during the district's "Start with Hello" week.
12 months ago, Cheyenne Spell
students and staff of the VTC showing off their green attire