A Message to Parents
Middle school is a very interesting and significant transition time in your student’s life. It is not a big elementary and it is not a little high school. It is a world in itself. Middle school is set up to take care of kids according to where they are developmentally.
Sometimes this age can be a challenge for parents. As your child goes through early adolescence their focal point will move from parents to friends. They will do a “come close/no get away” dance with you. They are trying to seek independence but will need supervision more than ever. They want freedom but need structure.
We encourage you to stay involved in their lives, ask questions, come to school and know their friends. It is a very important time to stay connected! We are here because we love working with middle school age kids and helping them through this awkward stage of life.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call us.

Mrs. Mandy Rhoades

Ms. Hannah Dimmick

Mrs. Rebecca Meeks

CIS Coordinator