McCool Academy Band
"The Commander's Own"

UIL Concert & Sightreading

Honor, Symphonic, and Concert band students will perform at the TMEA Region XVI UIL Concert & Sightreading Evaluation at Frenship High School PAC at 902 Dowden Rd, Wolfforth, TX 79382. This is our BIG PERFORMANCE of the year – the “band STAAR test” so it’s super important that all musicians attend!

This event is open to the public and families are encouraged to attend. Please arrive 5-10 minutes before the scheduled performance time and observe traditional concert etiquette. If you plan to watch the sightreading process, all recording devices must be turned off as photos or recordings are strictly prohibited. Email with questions!


All bands must wear the school provided uniform – black tuxedo pants, black long sleeve button-up shirt or long black dress. PLEASE COME BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL TO GET YOURS!

IF WEARING PANTS/SHIRT - students MUST wear solid black crew socks with all black dress shoes (oxfords, derbies, loafers, etc.) SNEAKERS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE 

IF WEARING DRESS - students MUST wear solid black closed toe dress shoes (pumps, slingbacks, ballet flats, etc.) flat or with a modest heel. SNEAKERS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE

We have a few black shoes available for musicians to borrow if necessary.

Concert Band, Wednesday, March 5

8:20 am Check attendance in first period then meet in band hall, get equipment, load bus, and depart for Frenship HS
9:15 am Warm-up
9:40 am Evaluation begins
10:45 am Return to McCool, go to class

Symphonic Band, Wednesday, March 5

2:45 pm Meet in band hall, get equipment, load bus, and depart for Frenship HS
4:20 pm Warm-up
4:45 pm Evaluation begins
6:15 pm Return to McCool, go home!

Honor Band, Thursday, March 6

2:30 pm Meet in band hall, get equipment, load bus, and depart for Frenship HS
3:25 pm Warm-up
3:50 pm Evaluation begins
5:30 pm Return to McCool, go home


Do you have questions about an instrument (I mean, what is a euphonium, anyway)? Follow this link for videos of the instruments in BePartoftheMusic

At McCool, our musicians learn to play flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, horn, euphonium, tuba, or percussion.
We do not have oboe or bassoon.