March 4 testing day

Tuesday, March 4 will be a school-wide testing & meeting day.

All seniors will report to the auditorium at the start of 1st period at 8:15am.

All 9th & 10th graders will be participating in English 1 & 2 District Assessment testing & all 11th graders will be taking the SAT.

Testing rosters will be posted around campus and students should report to their testing rooms no later than 8:15 on Tuesday, March 4th.

Testing will take place from 1st through 4th periods. All students will resume their normal schedules at 11:55 for 5th-8th periods.

Any 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students who have  ATC & Agri-Stem classes 1st-4th periods, will not meet at those campuses on this day.

Please see Mrs. Burk in the testing office if you have any questions.