Today we thank and honor the brave men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the U.S. military.
4 months ago, Kayleigh Lopez
Memorial Day Remember & Honor with flag, stars and Lubbock ISD logo
Hi, Lubbock ISD families! 👋 This is a friendly reminder that there is early dismissal for all schools on Friday! We hope that everyone has a great last week of school! #WeAreLubbockISD
4 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Early Dismissal May 24, 2024
Happy School Pathologist Day to all the dedicated professionals who make a difference in the lives of students every day!
4 months ago, Kayleigh Lopez
Picture of Lubbock ISD kindergartner, Thank you school pathologists! Lubbock ISD Appreciates You!
This week is National Police Week! Thank you to the brave men and women who serve our schools and our community!
5 months ago, Kayleigh Lopez
Happy Police week with badges and image of Lubbock ISD police staff
Today we thank and recognize our amazing team of school communicators who help tell our stories in Lubbock ISD! Thank you for everything!
5 months ago, Kayleigh Lopez
Thank you school communicators for telling Lubbock ISD's Story! with photos of teachers and electronics
Thank you to all of our amazing nurses in Lubbock ISD!
5 months ago, Kayleigh Lopez
Happy School Nurse Day to all of our wonderful Lubbock ISD nurses with a heart and stethoscope.
Thank you to our paraprofessional educators who are so invaluable to our success!
5 months ago, Kayleigh Lopez
Thank you to our School Paraprofessionals
Thank you to all of our amazing educators in Lubbock ISD. What you do for our students and community is truly invaluable!
5 months ago, Kayleigh Lopez
Happy Teachers Day in the shape of an apple on top of a yellow circle and a photo collage of Lubbock ISD students
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week! We are so thankful for all of our AMAZING teachers!
5 months ago, Kayleigh Lopez
WE Heart our teachers Happy Teacher Appreciation Week with paper tears and stars around the text
Happy School Lunch Hero Day to our incredible staff members who keep our students nourished and happy every day. You're our superheroes!
5 months ago, Kayleigh Lopez
School Lunch Hero Day
Happy National School Principal Day! We're so grateful for the leadership that our principals give to our students and staff!
5 months ago, Kayleigh Lopez
Happy School Principals Day We love our Principals! with photos of a few Lubbock ISD principals below
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month is a time to highlight the importance of staying active through sports and other fitness activities.
5 months ago, Kayleigh Lopez
Physical Fitness & Sports Month with red, yellow, and green circles
Our 1st annual Fine Arts night kicks off at 6:00 with a musical performance from our 1st & 2nd graders followed by art displays and a craft!
5 months ago, Jaci Underwood
Fine arts night fun
1st & 2nd grade program
🚨 NO SCHOOL TODAY OR MONDAY 🚨 We hope everyone enjoys a long four-day weekend! We'll see everyone back in class on Tuesday, April 2! #WeAreLubbock
6 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Student & Staff Holiday March 29 | April 1 No School Friday or Monday
We hope that everyone has a safe and fun spring break! We'll see everyone back in class on March 18! #WeAreLubbockISD
7 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Spring Break March 11-15 #WeAreLubbockISD
Smith's Scholastic Book Fair is next week, February 26-March 1! To make shopping easier, go online and set up your student's eWallet today!
7 months ago, Kayleigh Lopez
Come out and support Smith at our McTeacher Night! Visit the McDonalds on 82nd and Slide on Thursday February 22nd, 2024 from 5-8pm. A percentage of the sales will be donated to Smith Elementary.
7 months ago, Kayleigh Lopez
McTeacher Night
Lubbock ISD classes are on a two-hour delay tomorrow, Monday, February 12, due to the increased possibility of icy conditions impacting travel to school and work. School start times will be adjusted as follows: elementary schools will begin at 9:45 a.m., middle schools will begin at 10:20 a.m., and high schools will begin at 10:15 a.m. Buses will run on a two-hour delay schedule. There will be no classes tomorrow at the Byron Martin ATC or the Agri-STEM Complex. Weather conditions will continue to be monitored, and we will provide additional communication tomorrow morning no later than 7 a.m. if there are any changes. Please stay safe and warm!
8 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Classes Delayed Monday, Feb. 12
We hope our Lubbock ISD family is staying safe and warm on this snowy Sunday! This is a friendly reminder about how we communicate weather delays or cancellations. We share information by using: 1. Our social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, and X). 2. Our website ( 3. Our district notification system (phone call, text message, email, and app push notification). 4. Our district television station (Lubbock ISD-TV). 5. Our local media outlets You can find more information about how we make these decisions and when we communicate about them at our weather information page at
8 months ago, Erin Gregg
Weather communication
We are so excited to welcome our Smith Stars back to school on Wednesday, January 10!
9 months ago, Jaci Underwood
welcome 2024