We're SO EXCITED to see our 6th graders for Astro Camp on Monday! 😃🚀🎉 Thank you to our staff and student ambassadors that have helped plan what we know will be a wonderful experience for our 6th graders! A SPECIAL shoutout to Main Event for hosting us part of the day!
8 months ago, Carolyn Wadley
We're SO EXCITED to see our 6th graders for Astro Camp on Monday! 😃🚀🎉 Thank you to our staff and student ambassadors that have helped plan what we know will be a wonderful experience for our 6th graders! A SPECIAL shoutout to Main Event for hosting us part of the day!
We're SO EXCITED to see our 6th graders for Astro Camp on Monday! 😃🚀🎉 Thank you to our staff and student ambassadors that have helped plan what we know will be a wonderful experience for our 6th graders! A SPECIAL shoutout to Main Event for hosting us part of the day!
We're SO EXCITED to see our 6th graders for Astro Camp on Monday! 😃🚀🎉 Thank you to our staff and student ambassadors that have helped plan what we know will be a wonderful experience for our 6th graders! A SPECIAL shoutout to Main Event for hosting us part of the day!
We're SO EXCITED to see our 6th graders for Astro Camp on Monday! 😃🚀🎉 Thank you to our staff and student ambassadors that have helped plan what we know will be a wonderful experience for our 6th graders! A SPECIAL shoutout to Main Event for hosting us part of the day!
We're SO EXCITED to see our 6th graders for Astro Camp on Monday! 😃🚀🎉 Thank you to our staff and student ambassadors that have helped plan what we know will be a wonderful experience for our 6th graders! A SPECIAL shoutout to Main Event for hosting us part of the day!
While school may be over, we have plenty of Astronauts staying engaged with school activities. Mr. Beam and a group of 8th grade Astronauts have been taking in Washington D.C. this week, and they have had a great time of learning and seeing some of the most historical monuments in our country! #McCoolAcademy #AboveandBeyond
8 months ago, Jeffrey Mitchell
Our astronauts have been out and about taking advantage of the summertime! Share below 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 what you've been up to as the summer has already launched off! #McCoolAcademy #Summertime 🚀🌞🚀🌞
8 months ago, Carolyn Wadley
Our astronauts have been out and about taking advantage of the summertime! Share below 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 what you've been up to as the summer has already launched off! #McCoolAcademy #Summertime 🚀🌞🚀🌞
Our astronauts have been out and about taking advantage of the summertime! Share below 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 what you've been up to as the summer has already launched off! #McCoolAcademy #Summertime 🚀🌞🚀🌞
Our astronauts have been out and about taking advantage of the summertime! Share below 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 what you've been up to as the summer has already launched off! #McCoolAcademy #Summertime 🚀🌞🚀🌞
Our astronauts have been out and about taking advantage of the summertime! Share below 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 what you've been up to as the summer has already launched off! #McCoolAcademy #Summertime 🚀🌞🚀🌞
Our astronauts have been out and about taking advantage of the summertime! Share below 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 what you've been up to as the summer has already launched off! #McCoolAcademy #Summertime 🚀🌞🚀🌞
Our astronauts have worked so hard this week at the TTU STEM Challenge! ⚙️✏️👩‍🚀Tomorrow our astronauts will be competing in the annual LISD Summer STEM Challenge. If you have time please come support our amazing students. Competition starts at 10:30 @ Pete Ragus Aquatic Center. 2004 14th St. We hope to see many supporters wishing our kids the best. 🛶
8 months ago, Savanna Mills
Yesterday, at the TTU STEM Challenge, we started our selected Astronauts boat building journey. 🚤 Using different models and research, the McCool students improved their designs, problem solved, and worked collaboratively! 10.2 second to travel 3 feet, down to 1.2 seconds, their second attempt! Way to go Astronauts! 🚀👩‍🚀
8 months ago, Savanna Mills
May 27th is Memorial Day - Today we thank and honor the brave men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the U.S. military.
8 months ago, N. Cozart
Memorial Day Remember & Honor with flag, stars and Lubbock ISD logo
We have two positions open at McCool Academy! Apply online today at https://www.lubbockisd.org/o/hr
8 months ago, Savanna Mills
What a fun and tropical Thursday! 🌴🌺🥥We can't wait to see everyone tomorrow for the last day of school! 🚌
8 months ago, Savanna Mills
8th Grade Yearbook Signing Today! So many emotions #McCoolAcademy #Yearbook
8 months ago, Carolyn Wadley
8th grade year book
8th grade year book
8th grade year book
8th grade year book
8th grade year book
8th grade year book
8th grade year book
8th grade year book
8th grade year book
8th grade year book
Please mark your calendars for June 7th at 10:30 AM to come out and support the students and teachers representing your school in the TTU/LISD Middle School STEM Challenge at the Pete Ragus Aquatics Center.
8 months ago, Carolyn Wadley
LISD Middle School Challenge
YEEEEE-HAAAAWWWW! 🤠Wild West Wednesday was a blast! We can not wait to see everyone for Tropical Thursday! 🌴
8 months ago, Savanna Mills
8th Grade parents and McCool Academy would like to express our deepest gratitude for each of the vendors and individuals below for their unselfish contribution to the 8th grade celebration. Angel Jimenez Optimum Texas Tech Jen Hair Tea 2 Go Orlando's Italian Restaurant Lubbock Premiere LUX 16 IMAX Pizza Pub Pak A Sak 8th grade Parents Chick Fil A 114th and Quaker- Brad Norris
8 months ago, Savanna Mills
We got to celebrate some fantastic facilitators this afternoon at McCool Academy! We had our Lubbock ISD 5 and 10 year pins presented to some of our staff while we celebrated a couple of upcoming weddings! We also got to celebrate some of the great things our facilitators have done this year. We love our facilitators at McCool Academy! Thank you for all that you all do for our learners on a daily basis! #McCoolAcademy #AboveandBeyond
8 months ago, Jeffrey Mitchell
We had such a fun Tie-Dye Tuesday!!! 🌼 We can't wait to see everyone's Wild West Wednesday!!
8 months ago, Savanna Mills
Hi, Lubbock ISD families! 👋 This is a friendly reminder that there is early dismissal for all schools on Friday! We hope that everyone has a great last week of school! #WeAreLubbockISD
8 months ago, Lubbock ISD
Early Dismissal May 24, 2024
Our 6th grade learners are working hard to the end. Yesterday, they were finalizing their Loteria cards and projects for their final presentation of 6th grade! #McCoolAcademy #aboveandbeyond
8 months ago, Jeffrey Mitchell
Are you interested in baseball camp this summer? ⚾️
8 months ago, Savanna Mills
Please do not forget to pick up your medications! All medications that are left in the clinic after Thursday @ 3:45 PM will be destroyed.
8 months ago, Savanna Mills
McCool Academy finished off the year with a fantastic choir concert! Thank you Mr. Couch for putting on a great show this evening with your Astronauts! Thank you to all of our families and friends that came out to support this evening! #McCoolAcademy #AboveandBeyond
8 months ago, Jeffrey Mitchell
Launching this week off with Movie Character Monday!!!
8 months ago, Carolyn Wadley
Movie Character Monday
Movie Character Monday
Movie Character Monday
Movie Character Monday
Movie Character Monday
Movie Character Monday
Movie Character Monday
Movie Character Monday
Movie Character Monday
Movie Character Monday