AP Capstone
About the A.P. Capstone (AP Cap)
The AP Capstone program was officially launched by College Board in 2014, born of a need to better prepare students for the challenges of college-level work. From research methodology to academic writing to presentation skills to encouraging original thought and innovation to teaching collaboration, AP Capstone offers juniors and seniors tangible, necessary skills for college and beyond. Students are taught to view the challenges we face through a variety of lenses and from different perspectives, necessarily broadening their worldview. They are also encouraged to pursue individual passions and create research opportunities within the disciplines that are most appealing and important to them and their future studies.
This program was implemented at Lubbock High School in 2018. The first graduating class of AP Capstone Diploma candidates was the class of 2019.
Basic Requirements of the A.P. Cap Diploma Program
Qualify on 4 AP exams of your choice, plus AP Seminar and AP Research.
Develop skills in collaboration, research, and argumentation through a junior year Team Project and Multimedia Presentation (TMP) with accompanying Individual Research Report (IRR) that centers on a current local, national, or international issue.
Further develop those skills during your junior year through an Individual Written Argument (IWA) and its accompanying Individual Multimedia Presentation (IMP) exploring a topic of choice somehow related to the College Board's chosen source materials (stimulus materials).
Conduct original research within any discipline that culminates in a 4,000-5,000-word researched essay and 20-minute professional presentation over the course of your senior year.
Lubbock High A.P. Cap Testimonials
"AP Capstone has allowed me to research what I am interested in and taught me how to research effectively. I have learned how to analyze issues through different perspectives, and think of creative ways to solve them. Capstone has also helped me develop critical thinking skills. Overall, my experience has been wonderful, and I feel that the skills I have learned will prepare me for the next step in my education!" - Anna Cary
"In AP Capstone, we learn how to effectively gather information, compellingly present, and write strong essays. Unlike other classes, you get to research what you want. This makes the research process unique to your interests and helpful for future research. In the AP Capstone classroom, college preparation is taken to the next level, but in an effective and enjoyable way." - Payton Props
"The entire program taught me the importance of my voice, no matter how small I am I can make a difference with my findings." - Keenan Khater
"AP Capstone has taught me how to be more confident and has greatly impacted my life. Through the AP Capstone program, I have met amazing friends and discovered so many new academic opportunities." - Carina Velasquez
"AP Capstone has given me an opportunity to discover what I am truly interested in and a set of skills that have helped me grow, not only as a student but as a person. I will be forever grateful for this program." - Helaina Musa
"AP Capstone has transformed my passion for learning into purpose. Capstone encouraged me to become well-informed and has helped me become confident in my ability to contribute to the world. The strong sense of community, as well as seeing my peers research things about which they are passionate, have made Capstone the highlight of my final high school years." - Brooke Barrett
Explore more student testimonials by watching this video from the College Board

Structure of A.P. Cap at L.H.S.
Instructor: Shawn Coughlon
Email Shawn Coughlon
Mr. Coughlon has been teaching with L.I.S.D. for 12 years; this is his second year with Lubbock High (fun fact: he is an alumni). He has an English degree from Texas Tech and a graduate certificate in Education from Shenandoah University in Virginia (long story). He is an AP Capstone College Board consultant, an AP reader, and a language guru.
In AP Seminar, you’ll learn to consider an issue from multiple perspectives, identify credible sources, evaluate strengths and weaknesses of arguments, and make logical, evidence-based recommendations. You’ll investigate a variety of topics through various viewpoints of your choice. During the course, you’ll complete a team project and an individual paper and presentation, as well as take a written end-of-course exam. These components contribute to the overall AP Seminar score. AP Seminar is a prerequisite for AP Research. AP Seminar takes the place of one elective course.
Instructor: Sarah Vescovi
Email Sarah Vescovi
Mrs. Vescovi has been teaching with L.I.S.D. for 11 years; this is her eighth year with Lubbock High. She has a Master's degree n English Literature from Texas Tech University and is a part-time poet and mystery novel aficionado. She is an AP College Board Reader for AP Literature, a master of research methods, and our local fiction lover and expert.
In AP Research, you’ll explore various research methods and design and complete an independent research project. Your project can build on a topic, problem, or issue you covered in AP Seminar or on a brand new, self-driven QUEST working with a professional expert advisor working in their chosen field.At the end of the project, you’ll submit your academic paper and present and defend your research findings. These components contribute to the overall AP Research score. There is no end-of-course exam.
To see the list of colleges and universities giving credit for the AP Capstone program, click here. Please note: this is NOT an exhaustive list. It has not been updated since 2018. Since 2018, other universities, such as Texas Tech University, have started recognizing the AP Capstone as a Capstone or other required course credit.
To earn the AP Capstone Diploma, students must also earn at least four qualifying scores on additional AP tests from their coursework. Some students enter the AP Capstone program already having AP Human Geography from 9th grade or AP World History from 10th grade qualifying scores and only require two more AP exams. Others will be working both junior and senior year to earn those exam scores of 3-5.