League of Legends
Game Description
Two teams of five players battle in PvP combat, each team occupying and defending their half of the map. Each of the ten players controls a character, known as a "champion", with unique abilities and differing styles of play. During a match, champions become more powerful by collecting experience points, earning gold, and purchasing items to defeat the opposing team. In the game's main mode, a team wins by pushing through to the enemy base and destroying their "Nexus", a large structure located within.
There are 4 areas on the map where the players will occupy, the first being the mid lane; where the most control is gained. Next up is the top lane, this lane is meant for those who take damage and deal it. The second to last is bot lane, which is normally played 2v2. One of those players is a damage dealer and a support player who assists the damage dealer. The final area of the map is the Jungle, this area is meant only for one player who roams through the middle areas between the lanes, and helps out a lane so that they take control of that lane using assassin-like tactics, or overwhelming sheer force.
Our League of Legends team has experenced great successes over past seasons with several top 4 state level finishes.. This year, we are competing in Vanta and TexSEF.