If you have not already completed the Lubbock ISD Family Engagement Survey, please do so as it closes March 1st! We would love to have your feedback! Please visit lubbockisd.org/survey or scan the QR code in the photo!

Jeopardy AND show your EVIDENCE! Our learners in 6th Grade Advanced Math played a few competitive rounds of Jeopardy. Ms. Monk wants you to show your evidence...and have FUN! #MathisCool #McCoolAcademy #Jeopardy

We would like to congratulate our Destination Imagination team on a job well done this weekend!!! Thank you Mr. Clark for coaching up our DI team! #McCoolAcademy

This weekend a few of our Astronauts were spotted representing McCool Academy Theatre at the 21st Annual African American History Month Program at Patterson Branch Library! #AboveandBeyond #McCoolAcademy

Thank you to those that took time out of their Saturday morning to ensure we are taking steps to make our McCool Academy community safe for our Astronauts! We are closer to our goal of 47 signatures. If you'd like to help please call (806) 219-4600 during school hours. We only have a few more weeks to obtain the 47 signatures. It takes a village! #McCoolAcademy #AboveandBeyond #SpeedBumpPetition 🚀🚀🚀

We are so excited to announce that eight of our artists have been chosen to have their artwork showcased for Lubbock's Youth Art Month! One show is with LHUCA "Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts" and the other is with the Lubbock Municipal Garden and Arts Center.
Garden and Arts Center Art Show:
February 26th to April 1st
Reception February 29th from 5:00 to 6:30 PM
Students: Casey Villanueva, Jahaziel Rios, Benjamin Ballard, Emma Jackson, Leslie Torres-Ortega
The LHUCA Art Show:
Blue Ribbon Art Exhibit
February 27th to March 30th
Reception March 1st from 4:30 to 6:00 PM
A part of First Friday Art Trail
Students: Jaycee Cazares, Ja'Nye Quintero, Sierra Martinez

Mr. Nelson’s musicians are exploring different cultures and what makes up a culture! Music is a vital part of one’s culture so our learners are exploring that!

Our Spanish students are practicing their PBL presentations for their peers. They are reviving feedback from one another and then editing their presentations before their final presentation next week! These astronauts are having to create a business plan for a Spanish Speaking Country!

Our actors are learning the importance of movement and expressing emotions. The actors are practicing this through puppetry and working collaboratively!

Thank you Coronado High School for bringing your Coronado Softball and football teams to speaking with our Astronauts! They spoke about opportunities after middle school and challenging yourself! Great discussions about getting involved academically, what steps can be taken regarding scholarships, and dual credit courses! #McCoolAcademy #AboveandBeyond

To the Astronaut that asked me how my day was going, and even though I responded "great" still wanted to share ♥️ Now he shares this message with you all. *Please share with someone you are rooting for * #wearerootingforyou

Coach Burkhead and his 6th grade learners wrapped up their projects this week in class! All of our Astronauts did a great job presenting the results of their challenges of creating an ancient civilization. #McCoolAcademy #aboveandbeyond

Coach Peterson using pear deck to check his learners understanding as they learn about cotton, cattle and railroads 7th grade Texas History! #McCoolAcademy #aboveandbeyond

School Bus Driver Appreciation Day 🚌
Thank you to our bus drivers for keeping our students safe while commuting to and from school. We appreciate your valuable contribution to our students' school day experience!

A HUGE congratulations to all of you who competed this past weekend for UIL Solo and Ensemble Competition!!! McCool Orchestra swept up the Golds with a total of 46 Division 1 ratings! This is the highest rating available, and this included 100% of the beginning orchestra classes! McCool Orchestra students will receive their medals tomorrow along with their feedback forms to continue growing their skills! Way to go, McCool Orchestra Students!!! #OnAMission 🎼🚀🌟👩🚀🎶

McCool Academy facilitators were hard at work today getting ready for their 4th 9 weeks projects! Astronauts, we can't wait to see you all tomorrow! #McCoolAcademy #aboveandbeyond

Thank you to all the familes and staff that made last night's Valentine’s Dance a HIT!

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow won 2nd place at district competition.
Best Sound Madison Betz
Best Lighting Jude Colbert
Honorable Mention All-Star Cast: Sunday Moreno, Roslyn Cage, Leah Makowsky, Caleb Garcia, Faith Deleon, Aubrey Cantrell-Simpson
All Star Cast: Ellis Jackson Annabelle Caswell
Outstanding Performer: Micaiah Arnold

Coronado High School came in to CRASH OUR PARTY as we celebrated our Perfect Attendance and A Honor Roll Astronauts! Thank you for stopping in to talk with our Astronauts about the opportunities with swim and basketball! We can't wait for the next visit!

We had an opportunity today to CELEBRATE all of our Perfect Attendance and A Honor Roll Astronauts from the Second Nine Weeks! Thank you to Mr. Hollins from U.S. Foods for showing some love to our learners for showing EXCELLENCE during the Second Nine Weeks! #McCoolAcademt #AHonorRoll #PerfectAttendance #EXCELLENCE #AboveandBeyond